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Eurofound's Platform Economy Database is a comprehensive resource that provides information on the platform economy in the EU, often also referred to as the 'gig economy'. It includes data on initiatives and court rulings in EU Member States, as well as meta data for sector, platform typology, and topics. The database covers a wide range of records related to the platform economy, including establishment of alternative models (cooperatives), the organisation and representation of workers, the provision of insurance and social protection, and tax and social security issues. It also provides an overview of the different types of platforms and the sectors in which they operate, such as transportation, accommodation, and food delivery services. The database is designed to be a valuable tool for policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders interested in understanding the impact of the platform economy on society, economy and regulation.

Access and usage of the data is free of charge. Users can download the entire database as CSV file below.

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