All initiatives

18 records found

Countries Date Title Tags
Italy 5 July 2023 Turin Court Rules Glovo Riders are Employees
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 5 July 2023 Foodinho, a subsidiary of GlovoApp23 fined 2.6 million by the Italian data protection authority
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 20 June 2023 Italian Court rules Glovo must disclose AI logic and mechanism for assigning deliveries to riders
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 1 May 2023 Glovo riders win improved working conditions in Avilés after strike action
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 15 February 2023 Milan: Court rules Glovo must employ a rider
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 15 February 2023 Basque Parliament condemns Glovo
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 24 January 2023 Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (ITSS) fines Glovo €57 million for false categorisation of self-employed and engaging workers without work permits
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work



Spain 14 November 2022 A ruling forces Glovo to hire its 206 delivery drivers
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Portugal 11 October 2022 Association of Digital Applications
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 15 February 2022 Glovo’s pledge to couriers
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 6 January 2022 Court judgement on employment status (Foodinho, Glovo, UberEats, JustEat and Deliveroo)
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work



Italy 6 January 2022 Court judgement on employment status (Glovo)
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 4 February 2021 Oviedo hosts the first macro-trial against Glovo in Asturias, with 150 distributors affected
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Slovenia 22 January 2021 Mladi Plus
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work



France 22 January 2021 Independent Delivery Workers Collective in Paris (CLAP)
Initiative | No platform work typology
Italy 21 January 2021 Italian trade union support for platform workers
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 17 December 2020 Justice once again agrees with UGT: Glovo distributors are salaried employees
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 18 November 2020 Judgement No. 259/2020 (SENTENCIA Nº 259/2020)
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work