All initiatives

37 records found

Countries Date Title Tags
Spain 6 June 2024 Constitutional Court of Spain rules VTC law of Madrid is legal
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 29 June 2023 Spanish Government announces Taxis are a public service, new environmental conditions further restrict number of private hire vehicles (VTC)
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 15 February 2023 Catalan Decree Law on Taxi and Private Hire Platforms (VTC)
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Austria 1 December 2022 Amendment of the Traffic Act (917/A)
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Greece 1 April 2022 Greek Law no. 4530/2018
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Hungary 7 March 2022 Amendments to Road Transport Legislation and the Uber fiasco in Hungary
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Czechia 7 March 2022 Amendment of the Road Transport Act in Czechia
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Poland 24 January 2022 Amendment to the Road Transportation Law and conflicts over Uber in Poland
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Belgium 8 December 2021 Brussels Labour Tribunal qualifies Deliveroo riders as self-employed
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work



Belgium 23 November 2021 Brussels vs. Uber
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Spain 12 May 2021 Riders’ law
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Germany 26 March 2021 Amendment to Passenger Transport Act in Germany
Initiative | No platform work typology
Italy 10 February 2021 Court of Bologna: the anti-discrimination law protects workers from the algorithm
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Lithuania 3 February 2021 Road Transport Code
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Latvia 1 February 2021 Transportation law (Autopārvadājumu likums)
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Sweden 1 February 2021 Uber and taxi regulations in Sweden
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Slovenia 22 January 2021 Slovenian Road Transport Act
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Portugal 22 January 2021 Portuguese regulation in the transport sector
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
Estonia 22 January 2021 Estonian Public Transportation Act
Initiative | No platform work typology
Non-EU 22 January 2021 California Assembly Bill No. 5
Initiative | No platform work typology
Spain 21 January 2021 Decree 1076/2017 on ride-hailing services (VTC)
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
EU 27 3 December 2020 EU court ruling delivers win for ride-hailing apps
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Romania 29 March 2019 Ridesharing ordinance
Initiative | On-location platform-determined routine work
EU 27 20 December 2017 CJEU: The service provided by Uber connecting individuals with non-professional drivers is covered by services in the field of transport
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
United Kingdom
2 countries
10 November 2017 Judgment in Uber v. Aslam, Farrar, Dawson and others UKEAT/0056/17/DA
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
France 3 July 2017 Opinion of Advocate General Szpunar: Case C-320/16 Uber France SAS
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 25 May 2017 Ruling 26/5/2017 n. 25857/2017 R.G.
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 6 April 2017 Ordinanza 7/4/2017
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 1 March 2017 Ruling 01/3/2017, n. 20770/2056 R.G.
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
United Kingdom 27 October 2016 Aslam and Farrar vs Uber Case: 2202550/2015
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Germany 8 June 2016 Ruling 09.06.2016, (6 U 73/15)
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Non-EU 1 January 2016 Uber's worst nightmare.
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Germany 23 December 2015 Ruling of 23.12.2016, Az.: 315 O 423/15
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Germany 11 December 2015 Court of Appeals: Use of UBER Black anti-competitive (PM 62/2015) (Kammergericht: Einsatz von UBER Black wettbewerbswidrig (PM 62/2015))
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Germany 11 December 2015 Ruling 11.12.2015, (5 U 31/15)
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 1 July 2015 Taxi Drivers Association - Consumers' Association vs. Uber
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work
Italy 24 May 2015 Taxi Drivers Association vs. Uber N. 16612/2015 R.G.
Court ruling | On-location platform-determined routine work