In June 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Directive 2019/1152 on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions, a direct follow-up to the roll-out of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The directive will focus on addressing the insufficient protection for workers in precarious work, limiting burdens on employers, and preserving labour market adaptability facing the emergence of new forms of work.
The new law introduces new minimum rights for all workers in all forms of work, including those in the non-standard and new forms of work, such as zero-hours contracts, casual work, domestic work, voucher-based work or platform work. It requires employers to inform workers of their working conditions and of the essential aspects of the employment relationship.
All workers in the EU will have the right to:
- know essential aspects of the employment, such as the identities of the parties to the relationship and the place, the initial remuneration, and the duration of standard working hours;
- be informed in a reasonable period in advance on when the work will take place, especially for workers with largely unpredictable work pattern, such as workers taking the platform work;
- have a limited length of probationary periods to a maximum of six months;
- receive cost-free trainings when such trainings are mandatory;
- anti-abuse legislation for zero-hours contract work;
- take up a job in parallel with another employer;
- receive a written reply to a request to transfer to another more secure job.
The new Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions will annul the current Written Statement directive, to better address the changed labour market demand and the emergence of new forms of work. EU Member States will have until 2022 to take necessary legislative measures to comply with the directive.
- Keywords
skills and employability,
work intensity, working time quality, work-life balance,
information asymmetry,
working conditions
- Actors
- Sector
No specific sector focus