- Date
- 3 February 2021
- Country
Geographical scope
- National
- Type
The Sharing Economy Councilwas established in 2018 by the Danish government, and is jointly commissioned by the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, the Ministry of Employment and Ministry of Taxation.
Working together with the representatives from platform companies, social partners, experts and consumers, the council aims to stimulate growth of the platform economy and ensure fair employment conditions and the access to social protection for platform workers.
The Council was established in response to the growing platform economy in Denmark. As the terms of reference for the Council note, between 2014 and 2017 the number of digital platforms operating in the country increased from 10 to more than 140. The establishment of the Council is part of a broader set of initiatives included in an agreement named ‘Better conditions for growth and correct tax payment in the sharing and platform economy.’
Scope of the initiative
The main purpose of the Council is to facilitate dialogue and the development of the sharing economy in Denmark. The Council also provides advice to the Danish Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs on the development of platform economy, including on how new forms of employment impact on the Danish labour market. Furthermore, the Council can recommend specific policy actions or regulations that contribute to the proper functioning of the platform economy. The Council is to provide its recommendations to the minister once a year. While working conditions were not initially an area within its remit, as of 2019 it has also focused on this aspect in its work.
Scale of the initiative
The 15 members of the council are from diverse backgrounds. Members represent either unions (for example, Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation and Akademikerne), employer organisations (for example, Dansk Industri and Dansk Erhvev) consumer organisations (for example, Forbrugerrådet Tænk) or platform companies (for example, GoMore, Worksome and Hilfr). Additionally, the Council also includes two members from the scientific community.
Strengths and weaknesses
The Council has facilitated discussions around the challenges raised by platform work in Denmark. However, its work has not resulted in specific policy proposals.
- Keywords
work intensity, working time quality, work-life balance,
business expansion
- Actors
- Sector
No specific sector focus