Smart (société mutuelle pour artistes)
Smart is a cooperative production house for freelancers (which may include platform workers) and projects that have been awarded cultural grants. It comprises of 90,000 members in nine EU countries. …
Platform economy database
Database of initiatives and court cases in the EU
Eurofound’s platform economy database provides information on 403 initiatives and court cases that exist or have been implemented in relation to activities in the platform economy. The database was last updated in December 2024 and provides metadata for each entry, such as geographical scope, year, type of initiative, actors involved, sector and companies concerned. Initiatives include legal instruments such as legislative changes or court decisions, as well as voluntary interventions undertaken by different stakeholders to address issues around platform work.
The database currently contains 403 entries and was last updated in December 2024.
Platform Coop Brussels is a project operating in the Brussels region, which actively supports the establishment of platform cooperatives and the creation of networks among cooperatives.
The project is led by Smart (société mutuelle pour artistes), SAW-B (Fédération d'économie sociale) and Febecoop (an organisation promoting cooperative models), and supported by the Brussels-Capital Region under the Small Business Act. The approach is part of the international movement of ‘Platform Cooperativism’ established in 2015 in New York. The initiative set up a network of different stakeholders (academics, political decision-makers, unionists and entrepreneurs) in order to support innovation and progress towards an inclusive and redistributive digital economy. The main objective is to support individuals (workers, entrepreneurs, further stakeholders) with the tools for sustainable self-organisation. The initiative aims to achieve this by information sharing (creation of a shared knowledge base and the support of sharing information on cooperatives), ‘federating’ (supporting existing initiatives and stimulating cross-border cooperation with other European cities), equipping (raising awareness among stakeholders that might act as sponsors and supporters in order to integrate cooperative models in the economic ecosystem) and mobilising (analysis of obstacles and opportunities in Brussels relating to the establishment of cooperative platforms and encouragement of public authorities to support project leaders and mobilise civil society).
Smart is a cooperative production house for freelancers (which may include platform workers) and projects that have been awarded cultural grants. It comprises of 90,000 members in nine EU countries. …