Turkopticon was recently relaunched based on results of a survey among platform workers conducted in 2016. The project was formerly a rating system for Amazon Mechanical Turk requesters (clients), but …
Platform economy database
Database of initiatives and court cases in the EU
Eurofound’s platform economy database provides information on 412 initiatives and court cases that exist or have been implemented in relation to activities in the platform economy. The database was last updated in January 2025 and provides metadata for each entry, such as geographical scope, year, type of initiative, actors involved, sector and companies concerned. Initiatives include legal instruments such as legislative changes or court decisions, as well as voluntary interventions undertaken by different stakeholders to address issues around platform work.
TurkerView is a platform for Amazon Mechanical Turk workers that collects data from participating members to give insights into wages, appropriateness of rewards, how well a workflow is communicated, and how fast completed tasks are approved for payment. It therefore reduces the information asymmetry between workers and clients and helps workers to make an informed decision on which tasks they should take on. The platform also offers a discussion forumfor workers and a wiki.
Turkopticon was recently relaunched based on results of a survey among platform workers conducted in 2016. The project was formerly a rating system for Amazon Mechanical Turk requesters (clients), but …