Toutenvélo is a network of platform cooperatives located in Rennes, Rouen, Grenoble, Caen, Dijon, Marseille, La Rochelle and Le Havre. The cooperatives are cyclo-logistics services including online shopping, deliveries of packages and loads up until 300 kg and relocations.
To develop in other cities, it refuses the principle of franchise deemed to contradict the social and solidarity economy and proposes the term freechise, defined as a ‘commercial and legal agreement by which the company Toutenvélo provides a second so-called freechized company with its brand, its tools,
its expertise and establishes a permanent cooperation among the members of the network without entry fees and without a deduction on turnover’.
- Keywords
platform cooperatives,
green economy
- Actors
Individual worker,
Worker collectives (cooperatives)
- Sector
Transportation and storage
- Platforms