GPA-DJP, the Austrian union of private sector employees in printing, journalism, and paper, have decided to open its membership (which had already been granted to atypically employed persons) to platform workers as of January 2019. Among other things, the membership, which costs €10 a month, grants access to legal protection and advisory services by the trade union. GPA-DJP explains this step by the fact that the Austrian labour and social law does not sufficiently cover issues around platform work, as platforms see themselves as mediators rather than as employers. The union seeks to connect platform workers, spark a debate about working conditions in the platform economy and gain information on the scale and characteristics of this form of work.
Further information:
Gewerkschaft vertritt erstmals auch digitale Tagelöhner - Arbeitsmarkt - › Wirtschaft
- Keywords
representation, industrial relations, social dialogue
- Actors
Employee organisation
- Sector
No specific sector focus