Common Platforms (Plateformes en communs) is a community of fair or open digital platforms. Plateformes en Communs was created in 2017 by La Coop des Communs, a French association which gathers cutting-edge thinkers and producers of commons: researchers, activists, civil servants, entrepreneurs from the social economy. La Coop des Communs, leads the Co-Communs group and wants to promote commons with the support of cooperatives, municipalities and trade unions in Europe.
It includes various kinds of members such as project leaders, experts or activists. It is also a learning community of platform cooperatives, who share the following principles in their models:
- Inclusive governance of their stakeholders
- Fair sharing of the value generated by the interactions
- Data ethics
- Fair working conditions for the involved workers
- Cooperation among platform cooperatives
These principles are shared in the charter of the group.
Plateformes en Communs has four main objectives:
- Gather: create a French community of platform cooperatives;
- Highlight: communicate together about fair services provided by the platforms;
- Produce: create common tools between communities and platforms to accelerate solution solving and innovation.
- Help: document the innovative practices of platforms about their governance, their production of commons and be a place for experience sharing.
- Keywords
platform cooperatives,
representation, industrial relations, social dialogue
- Actors
Worker collectives (cooperatives),
Business association
- Sector
No specific sector focus