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513 items found

  • Bulgaria: Algorithmic management

    Law on amendments and supplements to the Labour Code regulates the use of automated systems for the reporting of working time for remote workers. The regulation defines: * "Information system for algorithmic management" as a system for making automated decisions in the assignment, reporting and c…

  • Italy: Algorithmic management

    The Legislative Decree No. 104 of June 27, 2022, aligns Italian law with the EU directive on transparent and predictable working conditions. This decree broadly addresses various employment conditions, including its implications for automated decision-making and algorithmic management. The decree m…

  • Denmark: Employee monitoring and surveillance

    This law (LBK nr 182 af 24/02/2023) regulates surveillance camera usage in Denmark and has been amended several times, most recently by Law No. 802 on June 9, 2020. Regarding surveillance of employees at workplaces the law stipulates in §3 and §3a that: It is permissible for companies to monitor…

  • Croatia: Algorithmic management

    The Labour Act in Article 221a-221p regulates work performed using digital labour platforms, defines the terms and prescribes special rights and obligations arising between the employer and the worker, prescribes a minimum level of rights and working conditions when such work is performed by other …

  • Sweden: Employee monitoring and surveillance

    This Act supplements Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. It is the main act referred to in stating that the following activities are…

  • France: Algorithmic management

    Article L311-3-1 of the legal code of relations between the administration and the public states that any decision made using an algorithm must mention the fact that an algorithm was used. In addition, the rules defining the algorithm and what it does must be released upon request. In June 2018, …

  • France: Employee monitoring and surveillance

    There is no specific legislation governing the surveillance of employees, but rather a set of rules derived from several pieces of legislation. **Surveillance cameras** Employers may not install cameras on their premises without defining a purpose, which must be legal and legitimate. For example,…

  • Portugal: Algorithmic management

    In the framework of the Decent Work Agenda (entered into force with Law 13/2023, of 3 April), the Labour Code (Law 7/2009 of 12 February) has changed, including specific information regarding Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence: * Collective Bargaining Agreements can only regulate the use of …

  • Lithuania: Employee monitoring and surveillance

    3. Handling of employee health data following amendments to the Labour Code on quarantine, 14th, April 2020, Article 27 of the Labour Code "Workers' rights to privacy and protection of personal data" establishes employer‘s obligation to respect the rights of workers to privacy and protection of per…