Law of 5 March 2017 regarding workable, flexible work
Native name
Loi du 5 mars 2017 loi concernant le travail faisable et maniable/Wet van 5 maart 2017 betreffende wendbaar en werkbaar werk
Employers obligation to provide skill development plans or training
Added to database
26 June 2015


Chapter 2, Articles 9-17.


The law reforms the current system of training whilst in employment. Previously 1,9% of the yearly wage mass in private companies had to be invested in training. The new law dismisses both this system and the sanctions that accompanied it. Instead a new interprofessional goal of 5 days on average spent on training per FTE has been introduced. The 5 days of training have to be concretised by either a new collective agreement or by extending the previous collective agreement.

The new law foresees in the organisation of training, either on a sectoral or company level by creating individual education accounts. In case no collective agreement has been settled on either the sectoral or company level, the employee is still entitled to 2 training days per year for each FTE.

The law aims at both formal and informal training (that are directly related to the job). The training provided can also be related to health and wellbeing at work.

If the employee isn't able to to use up the training days he/she is entitled to, the unused days will be transferred to the next year, without reducing the number of days in that year. 



Additional metadata

Cost covered by
Involved actors other than national government
Works council
Involvement (others)
Affected employees: No, applicable in all circumstances
Company size: No, applicable in all circumstances
Additional information: No, applicable in all circumstances


Eurofound (2015), Belgium: Employers obligation to provide skill development plans or training, Restructuring legislation database, Dublin,

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