Act No. 321/2014 on energy efficiency
Native name
Zákon č. 321/2014 Z. z. o energetickej efektívnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
Obligation to undertake energy efficiency audits
Added to database
22 April 2021


§14 (1), (3) and (9); §31 (1)g


For a large enterprise it is mandatory:

  • to ensure that an energy audit is carried out at least every four years;
  • to implement a certified energy management system; or
  • to introduce a certified environmental management system.

The ministry issues a generally binding legal regulation which it establishes: 

  • the procedure for carrying out an energy audit,
  • the content of the written report on the energy audit,
  • a set of data for the energy efficiency monitoring system, which is the output of the energy audit, and
  • a set of data for the energy efficiency monitoring system, which is the output of the certified system.

A large enterprise that implemented a certified energy system or a certified environmental system must:

  • notify the monitoring system operator within one year, and
  • send a dataset about the energy efficiency monitoring system to the monitoring system manager, at least once every four years.

Micro enterprise and SME, which ensured an energy audit co-financed from public resources or from support programs of international financial institutions is obliged:

  • to keep written report on the energy audit for the term specified by co-financing organisation, and
  • to provide the report on request to the monitoring system manager within 30 days.


An energy audit is a thorough assessment of the energy consumption of a company including its buildings, processes and transport use. Its goal is to identify cost-effective ways to save energy. Audits can identify often quite simple ways for companies to save energy and money such as properly insulating pipes in a factory.

Article 8 – (4) of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU), states that enterprises that are not SMEs, are subject to an energy audit carried out in an independent and cost-effective manner by qualified and/or accredited experts or implemented and supervised by independent authorities under national legislation, at least every four years. 

Alternatively to the energy audit, a large enterprise can implement an energy management system that impacts more in comparison with an energy audit. An energy management system is based on a strategic process that aims to improve energy usage/efficiency.

Moreover, member states should develop programmes to encourage SMEs to undergo energy audits.

Additional metadata

Cost covered by
Involved actors other than national government
National government
Involvement (others)
Affected employees: No, applicable in all circumstances
Company size: No, applicable in all circumstances
Additional information: No, applicable in all circumstances


Eurofound (2021), Slovakia: Obligation to undertake energy efficiency audits, Restructuring legislation database, Dublin,

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