Law of 13 February 1998 regarding measures in favour of employment (so-called 'Renault Law')
Native name
Loi du 13 février 1998 portant des dispositions en faveur de l'emploi dite loi Renault/Wet van 13 februari 1998 houdende bepalingen tot bevordering van de tewerkstelling (Wet Renault)
Notice period to employees
Added to database
08 May 2015


62-70 Wet tot wijziging van de wet van 3 juli 1978 betreffende de arbeidsovereenkomsten met het oog op de beperking van de duur van opeenvolgende arbeidsovereenkomsten voor een bepaalde tijd en vervangingsovereenkomsten


Employers are required to notify their workforce 30 days in advance of implementing collective dismissals (that is, within 60 days, dismissals of at least 10 workers in companies with 20-99 employees, of at least 10% of the workforce in firms with 100-299 workers or at least 30 dismissals in companies with 300 or more staff). This period can be extended up to 60 days upon request from the trade union.

During the 30 day collective dismissal notification period, the employer is prohibited from dismissing the employees included in the collective dismissal notification. After and in addition to this period, the conventional notification periods apply to individual employees.

Individual notice of termination is valid only if it is in writing, specifying the commencement date and the duration of the period of notice. When the employer gives notice, the statement must be sent by registered mail or be communicated in writing by a process server.

Each employee, regardless of being white or blue collar worker, has a fixed notice period in case of the unilateral ending of a work agreement of an indefinite nature. Fixed-term contracts can only be ended (since 2014) in the first half of the contract (up to six months) through a one-sided notification of either the employee or employer. In this case notification periods similar to the indefinite nature contract apply. It is not possible to alter the duration of the period at sectoral level; it is however possible to increase the period at individual or company level.

The duration of the notice period depends on several elements as can be seen below:

Duration of notice period for the first 5 years of employment:

For each started year of employment For each started period of 3 months of employment Fixed notice period - dismissal by employer Fixed notice period - dismissal by employee
1st year 0 < 3 months seniority 2 weeks 1 week
3 < 6 months seniority 4 weeks 2 weeks
6 < 9 months seniority 6 weeks 3 weeks
9 < 12 months seniority 7 weeks 3 weeks
2 12 < 15 months seniority 8 weeks 4 weeks
15 < 18 months seniority 9 weeks 4 weeks
18 < 21 months seniority 10 weeks 5 weeks
21 < 24 months seniority 11 weeks 5 weeks
3 / 12 weeks 6 weeks
4 / 13 weeks 6 weeks
5 / 15 weeks 7 weeks
Value Weeks Weeks
6 18 weeks 9 weeks
7 21 weeks 10 weeks
8 24 weeks 12 weeks
9 27 weeks 13 weeks
10 30 weeks 13 weeks
11 33 weeks 13 weeks
12 36 weeks 13 weeks
13 39 weeks 13 weeks
14 42 weeks 13 weeks
15 45 weeks 13 weeks
16 48 weeks 13 weeks
17 51 weeks 13 weeks
18 54 weeks 13 weeks
19 57 weeks 13 weeks
20 60 weeks 13 weeks
Value Weeks Weeks
21 62 weeks 13 weeks
22 63 weeks 13 weeks
23 64 weeks 13 weeks (max.)
.... ... ...

A new law dated 20 March 2023 states that the maximum notice period for an employee who joined the company before 1 January 2014 may now not exceed 13 weeks when the employee decides to resign. This ceiling will apply to both blue-collar and white-collar workers. Finally, the special provision providing a maximum notice period of 4.5 months or 6 months for senior white-collar workers will be abolished.


No information available.

Additional metadata

Cost covered by
Not available
Involved actors other than national government
Trade union
Involvement (others)
Affected employees: No, applicable in all circumstances
Company size: No, applicable in all circumstances
Additional information: No, applicable in all circumstances



Eurofound (2015), Belgium: Notice period to employees, Restructuring legislation database, Dublin,

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