Government grants including scrappage schemes for the purchase of electric vehicles for businesses and private companies.
Native name
Għotjiet tal-gvern inklużi skemi ta’ skrappjar għax-xiri ta’ vetturi elettriċi, għan-negozji u kumpaniji privati.
Company incentives to deploy electric vehicles
Added to database
17 May 2021


Government grants including scrappage schemes for the purchase of electric vehicles for private individuals, local councils, non-government organisations, businesses and private companies. Government notice 517 of 2021. Motor vehicles registration and licensing act and other laws, Act no. XI of 2010


In 2023, Transport Malta launched 8 grants, with the aim of decreasing polluting internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles from Maltese roads. These include a scheme intended to incentivise registered businesses, companies, and the general public to purchase new electric vehicles, with an associated scrappage scheme providing financial support to applicants who couple their purchase with the deregistration of a vehicle of any category 10 years or more from its year of manufacture. This scheme is made possible by RRP funds amounting to €15,000,000. Purchasers of electric vehicles registered during 2022 who did not avail themselves of any related grants in 2022 can also apply under this scheme. The total maximum grant allocated to registered businesses and companies for this purpose, under the DeMinimis Rules, is of €200,000. Undertakings performing road freight transport for hire are eligible for the maximum sum of €100,000. This incentive allows a mix and match of replacement of old vehicles and purchase of new electric vehicles and pedelecs. This incentive encompasses a wide range of vehicle types: new passenger cars; vehicles used for the transportation of goods; minibuses; coaches; quadricycles; motorcycles; pedelecs.

The amount of grant allocated per electric vehicle ranges from a minimum of €500 to a maximum of €70,000 per vehicle, under the De Minimis State Aid Rules; if undertakings cannot apply under the De Minimis regulations because are not eligible under the said regulations, or because they exceed applicable thresholds, may apply for the incentive under the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), where the maximum grant is €400,000 per vehicle.

For the comprehensive list which specifies the amount allocated according to the set criteria, one could visit Transport Malta's online portal.

Another scheme, aimed at persons and undertakings, supports the retrofitting of battery electric powertrains on motor vehicles, specifically: passenger cars; vans; vehicles used for transporting goods; minibuses; buses; coaches. The National Government budgeted funds for this scheme amounting to €50,000. The grant amounts to 80% of the installation costs.

The 2022 grant for the purchase of Plugin Hybrid Vehicles (PHEV) is closed except for vehicles ordered by 31st May 2022.

The current schemes came into effect on the 1 January 2023 and will be open till 31 December 2023.

There are plans to renew such schemes on a yearly basis as it is considered a key strategy for the Maltese government to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

Apart from this grant scheme, companies that opt for electric vehicles benefit from cheaper registration tax on their vehicles. The registration tax of non-electric vehicles is calculated on the euro standard, CO2, particulate matter (diesel engines only) and length. The following formula is used: (registration value x CO2 x %) + (registration value x length (mm) x %).

Since electric vehicles have no emissions, the first part of the formula is not applicable and therefore the registration tax of an electric vehicle is calculated solely upon the length, the percentage according to the length, and the registration value.

Another initiative aimed at smoothing the transition to electric vehicles is the availability of a number of free electric charging stations. According to Malta’s Low Carbon Development Strategy, the government is planning to install a total of 6,500 charging stations across the islands by 2030. 


While the government has not given a definite cut-off date banning the purchase of vehicles with internal combustion engines, Malta’s Low Carbon Development Strategy points out that these vehicles will be banned by 2030-34.

The government has pledged that it will be leading by example. To demonstrate its commitment, it will be changing its entire fleet – including public buses – to electric vehicles by 2030. Government estimates project that Malta will have more than 65,000 electric vehicles (including PHEV) by 2030.

Additional metadata

Cost covered by
National government
Involved actors other than national government
Regional/local government
Involvement (others)
The Purchase of New Electric Vehicles grant is funded by the EU under the RRP; the retrofitting of battery electric powertrains on motor vehicles is funded by the National Government
Affected employees: No, applicable in all circumstances
Company size: No, applicable in all circumstances
Additional information: No, applicable in all circumstances


Eurofound (2021), Malta: Company incentives to deploy electric vehicles, Restructuring legislation database, Dublin,

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