Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Simleul Silvaniei (Salaj County) and Valea lui Mihai (Bihor County)
Manufacture Of Material For Textiles, Apparel, Leather And Related Products
Manufacture Of Leather And Related Products
15.20 - Manufacture of footwear

2,050 - 2,500 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
23 January 2020
Employment effect (start)
23 January 2020
Foreseen end date
30 April 2020


German manufacturer of footwear Ara Shoes has announced plans to close its plant in Șimleu Silvaniei (Salaj County) and to reduce its activity in Valea lui Mihai plant (Bihor County) in spring 2020: 2,050 employees , in production and in administrative positions will be affected. The first stage of the restructuring will consist in the closing of the factory in Salaj, and the second, reducing by 50% the staff of Bihor, from 900 to 450, with attempts to redistribute the employees to other group's brands such as Lloyd and Legero Romania. According to a company's spokeperson, the reasons behind the closure and the reduction of its activity are skilled workforce shortages and an oversized production compared to the actual sales over last years. The company stated that they will respect all the statutory social protection measures. The company employs 2,500 people in Romania. Globally, Ara Shoes has a workforce of about 4,000 people across two countries.



Eurofound (2020), Ara Shoes, Internal restructuring in Romania, factsheet number 99682, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/99682.