Internal restructuring
Hrvatska; Kontinentalna Hrvatska; Grad Zagreb
Location of affected unit(s)
Transportation / Storage
Warehousing And Support Activities For Transportation, Postal And Courier Activities
Warehousing And Support Activities For Transportation
52.21 - Service activities incidental to land transportation

200 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
17 November 2017
Employment effect (start)
27 November 2017
Foreseen end date
29 December 2017


The Minister of the Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure announced that public companies Croatian Motorways (Hrvatske autoceste - HAC), Motorway Rijeka-Zagreb (ARZ) and Croatian Motorways – Maintenance and Toll Collection (HAC-ONC) should reduce the number of employees by 1,000 out of slightly less than 3,000. That is in accordance with the conclusion of the the study on the restructuring of the three companies prepared by British consultancy Atkins for the use of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The three companies belong to the area of governance of the ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure. Atkins believes that the maintenance sector of HAC-ONC should dismiss approximately 270 to 370 people in the short term. This would bring the company closer to international standards since it currently employs 1.66 people per one kilometre of motorways. The consultants believe that this ratio could be reduced to one employee or less per kilometre. In the sector of toll collection, the number of employees should be reduced within five years from 942 to 590. In the next three to five years, further 365 people could leave the sector. The number of employees in the maintenance of tunnels could be reduced by 133 people. That would be in accordance with international norms. Administration sectors of HAC, ARZ and HAC-ONC should have between 15 and 27 employees less.  The line Minister announced that till the end of 2017, 200 employees will leave the mentioned companies voluntarily with severance payments, while further reduction of staff for around 800 employees is expected in the next three years. The Minister believes that no social problems will be caused by the reduction measures.


  • 17 November 2017: www.novilist.hr
  • 17 November 2017: www.index.hr
  • 17 November 2017: http://hr.n1info.com


Eurofound (2017), Hrvatske autoceste - HAC (Croatian Motorways and affiliates), Internal restructuring in Croatia, factsheet number 92517, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/92517.