Business expansion
Location of affected unit(s)
Hotel / Restaurants
Accommodation And Food Service Activities
Food And Beverage Service Activities
56.3 - Beverage serving activities

350 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
28 January 2017
Employment effect (start)
1 January 2018
Foreseen end date
31 December 2018


international coffeehouse chain Starbucks has announced the creation of about 350 jobs at a new roastery and coffeehouse in Milan, which is expected to open in late 2018. The new jobs will be mainly for bartenders, waiters, and cashiers. The American-based chain is to start investing in Italy and open between 200 and 300 coffeehouses in the next five to six years.

The founder of Starbucks remarked that the hirings will counter the Trump’s aggressive and anti-immigration policies. The company recently promised to hire about 10,000 refugees in all countries where Starbucks does business. This promise will also hold true for the recruitment in Italy.


  • 28 February 2017: La Repubblica
  • 20 February 2017: Attualità.com
  • 1 March 2017: Qui Finanza


Eurofound (2017), Starbucks, Business expansion in Italy, factsheet number 90523, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/90523.