Business expansion
Location of affected unit(s)
Cluj, Blaj, Jucu
Manufacture For Transport Equipment
Manufacture Of Motor Vehicles, Trailers And Semi-Trailers
29.31 - Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles

840 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
26 May 2016
Employment effect (start)
26 May 2016
Foreseen end date
31 December 2016


German en­gi­neer­ing and elec­tron­ics company Bosch is to hire 500 people at the Cluj and Blaj plants. The group intends to invest 40 milllion Euro in these plants. Bosch Romania produces electronic control units for driving assistance, safety components and systems for automotive and power management. Recently new projects on mobility solutions have been introduced at the Jucu and Blaj plants. The Cluj plant will focus on connectivity and industry 4.0 solutions. In Romania, Bosch Service Solutions has 3,200 employees in Cluj (Cluj County), Blaj (Alba County) and Timisoara (Timis County). Bosch is a German group which has been operating in Romania since 2000. Update, 14 June 2016: German group Bosch is to hire 340 people at car component man­u­fac­tur­ing plant plant  in Jucu, Cluj County, north-western Romania.  Up to 100 positions are for operating tech­ni­cians and some 110 are for ad­min­is­tra­tive clerks, but there are also jobs for pro­duc­tion and au­toma­tion engineers, pro­gram­mers, division managers and elec­tri­cians. According to media reports, the Jucu plant has tripled its production capacity since its opening in May 2014.  


  • 27 May 2016: Digi 2424.ro
  • 26 May 2016: Wall-Street.ro
  • 26 May 2016: 0-100.hotnews.ro
  • 14 June 2016: Ziarul Financiar


Eurofound (2016), Bosch, Business expansion in Romania, factsheet number 87605, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/87605.