Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Transportation / Storage
Land, Water And Air Transportation
Land Transport And Transport Via Pipelines
49.2 - Freight rail transport

3,000 - 1,300 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
28 November 2014
Employment effect (start)
1 February 2015
Foreseen end date


PKP Cargo, Poland's largest railway freight transport operator, has announced the restructuring programme which will affect around 3,000 jobs by the end of January 2015. Initially the number of beneficients of the announced Voluntary Dismissal Programme was estimated to reach 1,300. However, 3,300 workers enrolled  to the Programme eventually. Under this Programme all employees of PKP Cargo and PKP Cargotabor, who decided to resign from employment, will be offered the severance pay of up to 36 months' salaries. The company expenditures to cover the cost of this programme are estimated to PLN 301 million (EUR 69.5 million). PKP Cargo Group is second largest railway freight transport operator in Europe. The Group employs around 26,000 people across Poland.  


  • 28 November 2014: Rzeczpospolita
  • 28 November 2014: Wirtualny Nowy Przemysł
  • 16 January 2015: Rzeczpospolita


Eurofound (2014), PKP Cargo, Internal restructuring in Poland, factsheet number 77952, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/77952.