Business expansion
Polnocny; Pomorskie; Gdanski
Location of affected unit(s)
Administrative Services
Office Administrative, Office Support And Other Business Support Activities
Activities Of Call Centres
82.2 - Activities of call centres

100 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
17 November 2011
Employment effect (start)
17 November 2011
Foreseen end date
31 December 2012


The US company OIE (Online Interactive Education) Support, a provider of online higher education programmes, announced plans to hire over 100 people at its new international tele sales centre in Gdańsk. The jobs are said to be created until the end of 2012 with recruitment starting as of now. The company is recruiting student enrollment advisors, who graduated from humanistic faculties and have foreign language skills, especially English.  OIE Support works with international universities and offers a portfolio of more than 250 specialized online Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programmes delivered in interactive online classrooms. The company will enroll students in programmes offered by the University of Liverpool and Walden University.


  • 24 November 2011: Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (www.paiz.gov.pl)
  • 17 November 2011: Dziennik Bałtycki ()


Eurofound (2011), OIE Support, Business expansion in Poland, factsheet number 72924, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/72924.