Location of affected unit(s)
Hotel / Restaurants
Accommodation And Food Service Activities
Food And Beverage Service Activities
56.2 - Event catering and other food service activities

800 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
23 December 2011
Employment effect (start)
1 January 2012
Foreseen end date
1 January 2014


In December 2011, Servirail, part of the French catering group Newrest Wagons Lits, announced the loss of 800 jobs in Italy. This is due to the cancellation of the night passenger transport by Trenitalia, the state-owned Italian railway company. Servirail supplies night transport services for Trenitalia.

Trenitalia's decision will lead to an overall job loss of 1,700 at Trenitalia and its subcontractors. It is reported however that Trenitalia workers (around 900) will be redeployed within the company.

After negotiations between the company, the Ministry of Labour, and the trade unions, Trenitalia has announced on the 23rd of December that Servirail workers should be progressively redeployed through the outsourcing of other activities in the next two years. Moreover, in the next months, the workers will be able to participate in vocational and re-training courses.

The trade union Filt-Cgil has expressed disagreement with this solution proposed by Trenitalia.


  • 23 December 2011: Il Sole 24 Ore


Eurofound (2011), Servirail, Closure in Italy, factsheet number 72917, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/72917.