Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Information / Communication
Information Communication Services
61 - Telecommunications

1,150 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
25 October 2011
Employment effect (start)
1 January 2012
Foreseen end date
31 December 2012


On 25 October 2011 Telekomunikacja Polska (TP- Polish Telecom) announced a voluntary dismissals programme affecting 1150 people in 2012. The cuts are part of a restructuring programme named „Social Agreement 2012-2013", which is a bilateral agreement between the company and local trade unions. The core point of this programme is the voluntary dismissals programme, which will be introduced on 1 January 2012. 1150 people are expected to be affected by the programme in 2012 and as much in 2013. The programme is directed at people with a minimum six years of placement. The affected workers will receive a severance pay (from 4 to 15 months' wages). Moreover, people with a minimum of twenty years of placement will receive additional compensation worth 20,000 PLN (aprox. 4,500 EUR).


  • 25 October 2011: Gazeta Wyborcza ()


Eurofound (2011), TP Telekomunikacja Polska, Internal restructuring in Poland, factsheet number 72675, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/72675.