Nord Ovest; Lombardia; Cremona
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture Of Coke And Refined Petroleum Products
Manufacture Of Coke And Refined Petroleum Products
19 - Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products

260 - 261 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
12 November 2010
Employment effect (start)
1 January 2012
Foreseen end date
31 January 2012


Tamoil, one of main companies specialized in refining petroleum and commercializing energy products, is to cut around 270 jobs at its refinery located in Cremona. The company has decided the closure of the refinery in Cremona, converting it into a deposit. The refinery currently has 300 employees. The trade unions reacted to the company's decision announcing several protest actions. Also the local authorities have demanded the involvement of regional and national authorities in order to keep the refinery activity in Cremona.

At the beginning of April, the company and the trade unions, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development, reached an agreement on the management of the refinery's closure. The agreement envisages that around 50 employees will be re-employed in the Tamoil deposit, around 40 employees will be outplaced, while for around 50 employees the agreement provides for early-retirement measures. For the other 140 employees the agreement envisages the recourse to Wage Guarantee Fund schemes and to a special company fund which will guarantee to the redundant workers 90% of the current salary for five years. At last, the agreement envisages that the Tamoil will create a "solidarity fund" (of around EUR 200,000) in order to cushion the negative effects of the closure for the small and medium enterprises which have operated as subcontractors of the refinery. The fund will be managed by the Province of Cremona and the local Chamber of Commerce. All the measures provided by the agreement will start at the beginning of 2012.


  • 3 April 2011: Il corriere della sera
  • 13 November 2010: Il Sole 24 Ore


Eurofound (2010), Tamoil, Closure in Italy, factsheet number 71181, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/71181.