Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Public Administration And Defence
Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security
Provision Of Services To The Community As A Whole
84.22 - Defence activities

3,725 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
13 October 2009
Employment effect (start)
Foreseen end date
31 December 2012


The Belgium government has announced its plan to further reduce the country's armed forces by 3725 people by the end of 2012. Peter De Crem, the Belgian Minister of Defence, presented his plan of restructuring on 13 October. The plan aims at cutting €100 million. Staff reductions will be carried out without direct dismissals but with recourse to voluntary departures / early-retirement schemes. At the same time, the minister wants to promote young people joining the army and plans to recruit 1300 young people per year.


  • 14 October 2009: Le Soir
  • 14 October 2009: La Libre Belgique


Eurofound (2009), Belgian Armed Forces, Internal restructuring in Belgium, factsheet number 69991, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/69991.