Internal restructuring
Continente; Norte; Entre Douro e Vouga
Location of affected unit(s)
Santa Maria da Feira
Manufacture Of Material For Textiles, Apparel, Leather And Related Products
Manufacture Of Leather And Related Products
15 - Manufacture of leather and related products

196 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
3 July 2008
Employment effect (start)
31 July 2008
Foreseen end date


Rohde, a German shoe manufacturer, has announced the loss of 196 jobs at its unit at Santa Maria da Feira as a result of a decline in orders. The unit currently employs 1,200 workers. The restructuring will affect mainly the production department and, to a less extent, administrative services and management. The restructuring plan was discussed by the company board, IAPMEI (Institute for the Support to Small and Medium Enterprises and Innovation) and the sector trade union. According to the trade union representatives this redundancy plan will allow avoiding the closure of the unit. Rohde informed that dismissed workers will receive compensation payments in a phased way by the end of the year.

Rohde has been going through financial difficulties and accumulated debts towards Social Security. The future of the unit is still under review in Germany.


  • 3 July 2008: Público


Eurofound (2008), Rohde, Internal restructuring in Portugal, factsheet number 66864, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/66864.