Slovenija; Obalno-kraska;
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture For Transport Equipment
Manufacture Of Motor Vehicles, Trailers And Semi-Trailers
29.3 - Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles

112 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
31 August 2007
Employment effect (start)
1 December 2007
Foreseen end date
1 December 2007


Tomos Storitve, a subsidiary of automobile parts manufacturer Tomos Invest that provides business services to the rest of the Tomos Invest, is to close with the loss of 112 jobs. The site, which operates in Koper, is to close by December 1st 2007. Management attribute the closure of the site to the loss of a contract with a key customer. It has been speculated, however, that the real reason for the closure is the high price of the land on which the plant is based. Some sources have alleged that the owners plan to make a profit from the sale of the land after the closure of the site. The closure is also controversial due to the fact that Tomos Storitve primarily employs ‘protected’ employees. These employees include handicapped individuals and trade union officials who had been protected from previous series of redundancies at the site. The closure of Tomos Storitve is the latest in a series of crises that have affected Tomos Invest. The group used to employ 4,500 yet now only employs a total of 210 in Slovenia. 11th October 2007 According to a source dated 11th October 2007, management at Tomos Invest and trade unions have agreed a programme to help mitigate the negative social consequences of the redundancies. According to the programme, 44 of the affected employees at Tomos Storitve will be employed in other areas of Tomos Invest, 5 will be granted early retirement, 5 will receive subsidies to become self-employed, 37 will receive assistance in finding alternative employment in the region, and the remaining 21 will receive financial support for their re-training. The actors involved in the negotiation of the agreement have also expressed concern that the programme will be executed effectively.


  • 31 August 2007: Delo
  • 29 August 2007: Finance
  • 11 October 2007: Delo


Eurofound (2007), Tomos Storitve, Closure in Slovenia, factsheet number 65781, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/65781.