Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Information / Communication
Publishing Of Information; Production And Programming Of Audiovisual
Programming And Broadcasting Activities
60 - Programming and broadcasting activities

234 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
7 March 2007
Employment effect (start)
7 March 2007
Foreseen end date
31 December 2008


Radio-television Slovenia (RTV – Radio Televizija Slovenija) is a public institution in the field of radio and television activities, i.e. it is the Slovenian national radio and television operator. RTV has been in financial problems for years, constantly producing losses, which have then been covered by increasing compulsory subscription fees. That is why RTV has launched a comprehensive internal restructuring programme, which includes 20 million Euros as an additional investment. One of the identified problems of RTV is the high number of employees. The programme explicitly mentions that “excessive number of employees is, seemingly, for years the central reason for the financial and development stagnation” of the institution. The number of employees will be reduced from current 2,154 to 1,997 by the end of 2007. Job reduction measures will be mostly of a soft nature. The company is planning to spend 835,000 Euro for early retirement of the affected employees. By the end of October 2007, RTV implemented 134 job losses, almost exclusively through retirements. RTV plans a further reduction of its employees by 100, also through retirements, by the end of 2008.



Eurofound (2007), Radio Televizija (RTV) Slovenija, Internal restructuring in Slovenia, factsheet number 65032, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/65032.