Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Bucharest (Bucharest region), Cluj (Centre region), Iasi (North-East region), Timisoara (West region)
Information / Communication
Publishing Of Information; Production And Programming Of Audiovisual
Programming And Broadcasting Activities
60 - Programming and broadcasting activities

356 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
28 July 2006
Employment effect (start)
Foreseen end date
31 December 2007


Societatea Nationala de Radiocomunicatii (SNR) is one of the main providers of networks and electronic communications services in Romania and at the same time leader on broadcasting market. On July 2006, according to the institution budget rectification announced for 2006 and approved by Government Decision, SNR announced the intention to invest approximately RON 208.7 million (EUR 59.6 million) this year. The number of employees of the company was planned to decrease from 2,365 in present to 1,250 by the end of 2006. Because the investment plan was not performed the redundancy process was temperated. On 22 August 2007 the Managing Board of the company announced the intention to dismiss 356 employees (15.27% from total of 2,330) by the end of 2007. The employees wil receive a total amount of redundancy payments of approximately EUR 3.3 million. The decision has the agreement of the trade unions.


  • 24 August 2007: Economistul
  • 31 July 2006: Economistul


Eurofound (2006), Societatea Nationala de Radiocomunicatii, Internal restructuring in Romania, factsheet number 63837, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/63837.