Business expansion
Nord-Vest; Cluj;
Location of affected unit(s)
Cluj (Cluj county, Nord-Vest region)
Manufacture Of Computer, Electrical Electronic And Optical Products
Manufacture Of Electrical Equipment
27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment

2,000 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
21 November 2005
Employment effect (start)
1 January 2006
Foreseen end date


USA-based Emerson Electric group, a world leader in the electrical engine industry, has announced it will begin the construction of five new factories in Cluj (Cluj county, Nord/Vest region) that will make small electrical engines, as well as a research centre, with a total investment set to exceed €125 million. The announcement was made after the county councillors approved the framework contract. Company’s officials added that over the next few years at least 200 engineers from Cluj would be hired for design and production in the field of research and development. ‘We had watched the Romanian market for a while and eventually chose Cluj because of the technical university. We intend to hire engineers both experienced and not, once construction is finalised’ the company stated. The construction will begin in January 2006 and Emerson’s manager for the Central and Eastern Europe estimated that all the facilities will be finalised in the next five years. Emerson intends to build the first factory in 2006, following an initial investment of €25-30 million. By the end of the investment programme, the five factories will employ about 2,000 people, mostly high qualified.


  • 18 November 2005: Ziarul Financiar
  • 9 November 2005: Ziarul Financiar
  • 21 November 2005: Economistul
  • 10 November 2005: Economistul


Eurofound (2005), Emerson Electric, Business expansion in Romania, factsheet number 62677, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/62677.