Internal restructuring
Vest; Caras-Severin;
Location of affected unit(s)
Anina (Vest region)
Mining / Quarrying
Mining And Quarrying
Mining Of Coal And Lignite
05 - Mining of coal and lignite

500 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
14 April 2005
Employment effect (start)
14 April 2005
Foreseen end date
31 December 2006


In 2005, 100 employees from the company Miniera Banat Anina (Anina, Western region, Caraş-Severin county) were made redundant.

In January 2006, new redundancy figures were approved by the Government Decision no. 78 of 19 January 2006.

Collective redundancies at Miniera Banat Anina will total 500 people: 100 people in 2005 and another 400 employees in 2006.

Miniera Banat Anina is a state-owned company involved in the extraction, preparation and delivery of mineral coal and energetic coal from three mining exploitations in the Caraş-Severin county (Western region): Anina, Baia Nouă and Ponor.

Redundancies are set to continue in the years to come, as part of a wider restructuring process which also involves a complete cut in state subsidies for hard coal by 2010.

Redundant miners will receive compensatory payments and will benefit of other policy measures which will tackle social and economic issues in many other mining areas of the country confronted with the same process of downsizing.

According to Law no. 10/2001, Miniera Banat Anina has set aside 20% of its shares to be granted to former owners, as part of a wider process of privatisation following the principle of ‘restitutio in integrum', which will be launched later in 2005.



Eurofound (2005), Miniera Banat Anina, Internal restructuring in Romania, factsheet number 61858, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/61858.