Business expansion
Location of affected unit(s)
Hotel / Restaurants
Accommodation And Food Service Activities
Food And Beverage Service Activities
56.10 - Restaurants And Mobile Food Service Activities

350 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
16 May 2023
Employment effect (start)
1 June 2023
Foreseen end date


Quick, a Belgian multinational fast food chain has announced it will be hiring 400 additional employees to reinforce their existing restaurants in Belgium and Luxembourg. Quick has 90% of the branches in Belgium and 10% in Luxembourg therefore the actual job creation in Belgium will be of at least 350 employees. Concretely, it will be looking for a wide range of profiles: flexi jobbers, assistant managers, crew managers, students, etc. To increase their attrativity as an employer and reach more potential personnel, they launch the campaign "Go for Giant", in reference to their best selling burger. The company wants to emphasise the possibilities and flexibility that are provided to employees at the company.



Eurofound (2023), Quick, Business expansion in Belgium, factsheet number 200324, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/200324.