Internal restructuring
Zapadne Slovensko; Nitriansky kraj;
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacturing Of Furniture And Other Manufacturing
Manufacture Of Furniture
31.0 - Manufacture of furniture

103 - 903 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
30 March 2020
Employment effect (start)
1 May 2020
Foreseen end date


Slovak furniture producer, Decodom, based in Topolcany, will dismiss more than 900 out of 1,170 employees. Massive job cuts are attributed to the COVID-19 outbreak. The government has mandated closure of most retail outlets since 16 March 2020. This has affected 17 Decodom shops in Slovakia. COVID-19 has also affected the company's trade partners in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. Because the company operates according to the orders from customers on a weekly basis the management decided to stop temporarily the production. According to the Decodom CEO, the monthly labour costs in the company are around €2m and the measures proposed by the government to support affected employers will not be sufficient to maintain employment. As the retail ban continues the management announced mass dismissals to the employment office. Updated, 9/12/20: To save the company, Decodom management implemented tough measures including stabilisation of finances and retention of customers, followed by reorganization of the production, management and sales, including implementation of online sale. The company saved 800 out of announced 903 redundant jobs. According to Decodom Director General, COVID-19 state subsidies, which replaced wages of redundant workers, also assisted the recovery. 



Eurofound (2020), Decodom, Internal restructuring in Slovakia, factsheet number 100137, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/100137.